Crabapple Lake real estate is regarded as a tight inventory market in Washington for lake homes and lake lots.
Typically, buyers can find very few Crabapple Lake homes for sale, and very few Crabapple Lake lots and land for sale.
Crabapple Lake is a mid-sized Washington lake.
Crabapple Lake is located in Lake Goodwin, Washington, just 30 minutes from Everett and an hour from Seattle.
The lake is 30 minutes from Cascade Valley Hospital and a little over an hour to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Twelve minutes away you'll find Lakewood Highschool and also grade schools within a reasonable distance.
Crabapple Lake is part of the Seven Lakes area just north of the Tulalip Reservation. The average depth of the lake is 18 feet.
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has a public boat launch on the north side of the lake. Fish in the lake consist of rainbow trout, coastal cutthroat trout, largemouth bass, and yellow perch. Internal combustion motors are not allowed.
If you like to spend your time outdoors, there are lots of areas to explore. With plenty of parks, trails, and water adventures nearby, you'll never be bored. Seattle and Everett also offer big-city attractions and amenities, all just a quick trip away.
If you’re looking for a quiet retreat from the city with good fishing, Crabapple Lake may be the place for you!