Mallard Lake real estate is regarded as a tight inventory market in Texas for lake homes and lake lots.
Typically, buyers can find very few Mallard Lake homes for sale, and very few Mallard Lake lots and land for sale.
Mallard Lake is one of the many smaller Texas lakes.
Mallard Lake is the perfect place if you are looking for that suburban feel. Over 12 minutes away from other cities in the area, Mallard Lake is the ideal location for a small town, lake house living.
Nearby Caldwell comes equipped with a Walmart and Dollar General, as well as plenty of places to have a meal, such as Texas Seafood and Steak House, The Old Post Office, and Four Tines Restaurant at the Surrey.
The closest airport, Eastwood Airport, is 20 minutes away, and the closest hospital, St. Joseph Health Burleson Hospital, is also 20 minutes away.
Mallard Lake, which stretches over 85 acres, is a great size for the private and cozy feel.
The most common fish to be caught are largemouth bass, white crappie, channel catfish, and blue catfish.
College Station, Texas is just 30 minutes away with more entertainment options. This is home to Texas A&M University, Peach Creek Vineyards, and the Fun for All Playground.
Austin is around an hour and a half away, while Houston is around two hours away. Both cities feature big-city attractions and amenities for quick day trips.
Whether you are looking to buy a family home, a full-time retirement residence, or waterfront property, Mallard Lake is an excellent choice.