Rosewater Ski Lakes real estate is regarded as a tight inventory market in Montana for lake homes and lake lots.
Typically, buyers can find very few Rosewater Ski Lakes homes for sale, and very few Rosewater Ski Lakes lots and land for sale.
Rosewater Ski Lakes is one of the many smaller Montana lakes.
Rosewater Ski Community is in Evergreen, Montana, less than 10 miles from Kalispell's city center.
The community is within minutes of restaurants, shops, and hotels, along with Kalispell Regional Health and Glacier Park International Airport.
Rosewater Ski Community features two long, slim lakes that span 2,300 feet by 240 feet.
They resemble the pristine, blue lakes you would see elsewhere in Montana. The lakes are circulated to maintain their high water quality.
Being located in the Flathead Valley, it also has panoramic mountain views.
The Rosewater Lakes were perfectly designed for water sports of all kinds, especially skiing. Many of the lake's skiers are tricksters that will even ski barefoot.
The Rosewater Ski Club puts on many gatherings, and the community opens about three events open to the public each year.
Non-skiers have plenty to do on the lakes. Many enjoy kayaking, canoeing, and paddleboarding. The west end of the lake is away from the boats where you can swim or lounge.
The long, grassy island is commonplace for picnicking, socializing, and just watching water sports.
When the lakes freeze, the residents enjoy ice skating, hockey, and other winter activities.
Northern Pines Golf Club, Village Greens Golf Course, and Buffalo Hill Golf Club are nearby for golfers.
Kalispell's Main Street is lined with restaurants, boutiques, and sweet shops. Visit Kalispell Center Mall to shop over 60 different stores.
The Rosewater Ski Community is a top-notch lake community that will fulfill the dreams of any lake-lover.