28 Listings

About Lake Timberline

Big River Township, Missouri

Lake Timberline is located in the southeastern section of Big River Township, Missouri, just 54 miles away from St. Louis.

Parkland Health Center is 7.8 miles away, and the Washington County Airport is 25.3 miles away, making care and travel a breeze.

Shopping can be done at Village Square and enjoy dining at local restaurants such as Red Barn Deli or Homestead Restaurant.

A Small Gem

Lake Timberline spans 38 acres, making it the perfect cozy getaway.

There are many things that the lake has to offer its residents. Residents can enjoy swimming, kayaking, camping, and more. Anglers can fish up catches such as catfish and pickerel.

Visit St. Louis

Being about an hour away from Lake Timberline, St. Louis is the perfect trip for residents of this lake to take.

Visitors to "The Gateway to the West" can enjoy many different things such as the world-famous Gateway Arch. Here, visitors can catch sight of many beautiful city views and the expansive horizon.

Another attraction that visitors can frequent is the St. Louis Union Station, the former largest and busiest passenger rail terminal in the world. Guests can enjoy a 200 foot Ferris wheel, over 13,000 different animals, and more.

An Escape, with Access to an Iconic City

Those longing for an escape from the ordinary with access to an iconic local will love calling Lake Timberline home.


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