Tee Lake real estate is regarded as a limited supply market in Michigan for lake homes and lake lots.
Typically, buyers can find very few Tee Lake homes for sale, and very few Tee Lake lots and land for sale.
Tee Lake has 32 miles of shoreline and is a mid-sized Michigan lake. The lake is also known as Tea Lake.
Tee Lake is located in the town of Greenwood, Michigan. The closest airport is the Cherry Capital Airport, located approximately an hour and 38 minutes from Tee Lake. The closest hospital is North Memorial Hospital, approximately 39 minutes from Tee Lake.
This lake is very community-oriented. This lake is known for having extravagant Christmas Parties and Halloween Festivals. No detail is left out of these community events.
Garland Lodge and Golf Resort is on the outskirts of town and offers an exceptional golf experience for golfers of all levels.
There is also snowmobile rental and many ski resorts to play at during the winter.
There are lots of ways to enjoy nature in the city. Explore Clinch Park, Traverse City’s most popular beach. With over 1,500 feet of sand along the West Grand Traverse Bay, it is perfect for enjoying scenic views and soaking up the sun. It has picnic tables, bike racks, trail access, and a snack bar, having everything you need for a day outside with the family.
Named by Good Morning America as the most beautiful place in the United States, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore has dunes towering over 400 feet above the water. Here, you can take a tour, bike, or simply walk around to enjoy the astounding landscape.
The city is known for having a plethora of food options, so safe to say that you won’t go hungry spending a day here. Be sure to try Amical, The Cook’s House, or Slate, which are all Traverse City staples.
Tee Lake is approximately 216 acres and reaches depths up to 72 feet. Anglers can expect to find bluegill, crappie, yellow perch, and northern pike. You can participate in various water sports, including swimming, boating, fishing, waterskiing, wakeboarding, and kayaking. Enjoy the size and beauty of Tee Lake throughout the different seasons Michigan has to offer!
Tee Lake is a beautiful lake that offers fun memories for your family year round!