The Clear Lake real estate market is a limited inventory marketplace for lake property in Indiana.
Normally there are very few lake homes for sale at Clear Lake, and very few listings for lots and land.
It is located in the northeastern corner of Indiana in the town of Clear Lake. In Steuben County, this lake is an 800-acre natural lake that is just east of Fremont, Indiana. It has an average depth of 31 feet, with a larger maximum depth of 107 feet.
Residents of Clear Lake will have no trouble traveling to Michigan. This lake is less than five miles away from the state border on its northern and eastern sides.
Fishing on Clear Lake has been a long-time favorite of visitors for many years. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources regularly stocks walleye, rainbow trout, and steelhead trout. The lake also holds yellow perch, black crappie, smallmouth bass, bluegill, largemouth bass, and rock bass. Fishing can happen all year-round on Clear Lake, with yellow perch being extremely sought after.
Boating and other water sports are also popular amongst residents and visitors. Clear Lake Yacht Club is a great place to learn how to sail, join in on racing events, and rent boats. If you need to gas up or park your boat, there is a small marina on the western shore.
Clear Lake is a great place to become one with nature. The Memorial Woods, Kasota Island Nature Preserve, and Brennan Woods all line the lush lakeshore.
Kasota Island is a unique feature of Clear Lake because the Kasota Island Shoreline Protection Project is actively restoring it. This project keeps the shoreline from furthering eroding and helps to protect the essential local wildlife that lives there.
Cedar Lake Wetland Conservation Area is just off the western shore, closer to the city of Fremont, Indiana. Here visitors can enjoy viewing the local wildlife, hiking, and camping.
Whether you are looking to buy a family home, a full-time retirement residence, or a vacation rental, Clear Lake is an excellent choice.