Cory Lake real estate is regarded as a smaller but active market in Florida for lake homes and lake lots.
Typically, buyers can find around 50 Cory Lake homes for sale, and very few Cory Lake lots and land for sale.
Cory Lake has 10 miles of shoreline and is a mid-sized Florida lake. The lake is also known as Cory Lake Isles.
Cory Lake is conveniently located less than an hour just outside of Tampa. The lake lies in Hillsborough County, Florida. It is surrounded by the township of Cory Lake Isles, a suburban community with almost exclusive lakefront access to the water. Orlando is under two hours away as well.
Originally intended for developing infrastructure, the pit that later became the reservoir was unearthed in 1985 by Gene Thomason.
Cory Lake features 10 miles of shoreline, with an area of 165 acres, making it the largest body of water in New Tampa.
The community of Cory Lake Isles is surrounded by 17,000 acres of untouched woodlands. The city protects the surrounding wilderness from further development.
Proper permits are required by Cory Lake Isles in order to use any watercraft. Boats must be 18 feet or less in size and shouldn't reach a noise level above 80 decibels. Water skiing is permitted on the lake, but marine laws are strictly enforced.
Like many lakes in Central Florida, Cory Lake is renown by fisherman for its abundance of large and smallmouth bass. Other species include bluegill and striped bass hybrids.
Cory Lake Isles, being the major proprietor of the reservoir, hosts a number of events throughout the year. These include: Christmas holiday parades, spring fling socials, and "A Night in the Islands" theme parties.
In addition, the lake community hosts local fishing competitions as well as holiday fireworks celebrations.
With its convenient location between Tampa and Orlando, Cory Lake offers a lake life experience with convenient access to the amenities of neighboring large cities.
If you're in the market for a family home, or waterfront vacation property, Cory Lake is a great choice.