Pachaug Pond real estate is regarded as a top twenty market in Connecticut for lake homes and lake lots.
Typically, buyers can find very few Pachaug Pond homes for sale, and very few Pachaug Pond lots and land for sale.
Pachaug Pond is one of Connecticut's largest lakes.
Pachaug Pond is located in the southeastern part of Connecticut in New London county. It is 27 miles from New London and just minutes from Interstate 395.
The lake is known for calm waters and covers 841 acres, with depths reaching 17 feet. Pachaug Pond is the largest lake east of the Connecticut River.
Pachaug pond is a fishing hotspot and is especially well known for largemouth bass, northern pike and white catfish.
Come to Pachaug Pond to enjoy lake life at is finest, all while enjoying the comfort of a small town.