Fort Loudoun Lake real estate is regarded as a top ten market in Tennessee for lake homes and lake lots.
Typically, buyers can find around 160 Fort Loudoun Lake homes for sale, and around 50 Fort Loudoun Lake lots and land for sale.
Fort Loudoun Lake has 379 miles of shoreline and is a mid-sized Tennessee lake.
Fort Loudoun Lake stretches across Loudoun, Knox, and Blount Counties from Lenoir City, Tennessee to Knoxville. Parks, restaurants, cabins, yacht clubs, and marinas can be found around the lake.
Knoxville is a lively scene of restaurants, bars, shops, museums, and attractions. At only 16 miles away, it houses a variety of hospitals and the McGhee Tyson Airport.
The Fort Loudon Dam was completed in 1943 on the Little Tennessee River. The Fort Loudon Lock allows boats and barges to be transported over to Watts Bar Reservoir. Over half a million pounds of cargo pass over the lock each year.
The waters of Fort Loudoun stretch across 14,600 acres, have 379 miles of shoreline, and get as deep as 78 feet. Being such a long stretch, Fort Loudon is perfect for activities like power boating, pontooning, water skiing, tubing, sailing, and kayaking.
The lake is well-known for its black and white crappie, but it also holds an abundance of largemouth, smallmouth, and black bass.
Concord Park features several nature trails, a lake beach, pavilions, and a golf course. Several other nearby parks and recreation areas offer similar conveniences.
Jungle Float Knox is a mobile waterpark that tours the waters of Fort Loudoun. It features waterslides, diving platforms, and a rope swing.
Some of Knoxville’s top attractions include Zoo Knoxville, the Sunsphere Tower, Knoxville Museum of Art, Ijams Nature Center, and Knoxville’s Market Square.
Fort Loudon Lake hosts Boomsday, the largest firework show in the nation, put on by the city of Knoxville. The fireworks shoot from the Henley Bridge, so arrive before dark to make sure you get a nice spot on the water.
There are also some great attractions in Knoxville as well. The Knoxville Zoo is incredible, and families can see a variety of exotic animals, including red pandas and Malayan tigers. This is a great chance for families to enjoy an activity together. Another great attraction is the Star of Knoxville Riverboat. Guests can take a tour and enjoy the beautiful sights and on-deck dinners and even host parties. This is an exciting opportunity to explore Knoxville from the water.
Fort Loudoun Lake is a wonderful place to live, as it is convenient to the city of Knoxville with the luxuries of lake life. Between its waterfront neighborhoods, cabins, and cottages, there is sure to be a place on the lake for you.