21 Ardmore Area single family Rental Homes For sale!!
All properties are currently rented - do not disturb the tenants. Proof of funds will be required to schedule viewings of the inside of each property.
Total monthly rents = $26,775. Yearly income potential = $331,300
1-221 Meadow Rd, Ardmore - 3 Bed/2.5 Bath $1,975
2-1209 Stanley SW, Ardmore - 3 Bed/2 Bath $1,500
3-1206 Bixby St, Ardmore - 4 Bed/2 Bath $1,600
4-1216 Bixby St, Ardmore - 3 Bed/2 Bath $1400
5-1211 Stanley SW, Ardmore - 2 Bed/1 Bath $1400
6-800 Richland Rd, Springer 73401 - 4 Bed/3 Bath $1,800
7-56 Joy Pl, Springer 73401 - 4 Bed/3 Bath $1,800
8-58 Devine, Springer 73401 - 4 Bed/2 Bath $1600
9-14 Peaceful, Ardmore OK 73401 - 2 Bed/1 Bath $1000
10-387 Basin Rd, Dickson 73401 - 2 Bed/1 Bath $800
11-41 Peaceful Place, Dickson 73401 - 3 Bed/2 Bath $1,500
12-421 H NW, Ardmore - 2 Bed/1 Bath $950
13-413 11th NW, Ardmore- 2 Bed/1 Bath $1,100
14-1014 Davis, Ardmore- 3 Bed/2 Bath $1400
15-219 D SE, Ardmore - 3 Bed/1 Bath $750
16-221 D SE, Ardmore - 2 Bed/1 Bath $950
17-434 K SW, Ardmore - 2 Bed/2 Bath $1,250
18-441 Carter SE, Ardmore - 2 Bed/1 Bath $950
19-247 Ag Rd, Lone Grove 73401 - 3 Bed/2 Bath $850
20-259 Ag Rd, Lone Grove 73401 - 3 Bed/2 Bath $950
21-819 G St NW, Ardmore - 3 Bed/1 Bath $1200
Seller is a licensed Realtor