Whiteboard Topics: Why Lake Homes Realty Does Not Provide “Guaranteed Offers”

When selling a lake home, everyone wants the best offer. Sometimes, you might see signs or billboards from other real estate companies mentioning a guaranteed offer. You also might wonder if this is something Lake Homes Realty offers. Glenn Phillips, CEO of Lake Homes Realty, provides his insight into why this isn’t something Lake Homes Realty provides.

  1. “Guaranteed Offer” Does Not Equal “Full Price Offer”: A lot of times, when you see something claiming it has a guaranteed offer, it doesn’t typically mean the full price offer. That’s not to say you won’t get a guaranteed price; however, it usually isn’t the number you were thinking you’d get.
  2. Fine Print Matters: This might seem like a really good thing from a different brokerage. However, you need to read the fine print and see what it truly entails. Having a set number in mind and walking away with something completely different could be a possibility. This is why it’s crucial to understand the logistics of what will take place with these kinds of offers.
  3. Wholesalers: More times than not, wholesalers are typically where these offers stem from. It might not necessarily be the brokerage itself. Similarly to loan officers, these packages are made as one can be with a mortgage package.
  4. Good for Sellers or “Bait-n-Switch?”: This type of offer might be something that could be beneficial for you. But you should look into what it is. Sometimes these offers can be set so that if you don’t sell in a certain amount of time, the offer is changed. This can result in financial disappointment.
  5. Time Frame: If you’re looking to sell in a rather quick time frame, you might want to think about it a little more. The guaranteed offer could be based on how long it would take to sell your home. So make sure you consider how long you’re willing to wait.
  6. Our Focus: Help Sellers Meet Financial Goals: At Lake Homes Realty, one of the goals is to really help the seller and whatever their goal might be. When it comes to guaranteed offers, there really isn’t a way to achieve that.

Some people might be okay with guaranteed offers. However, if you’re someone who wants to maximize your profit, that’s what Lake Homes Realty is here to help with. If you would like to start the selling process or get more information, reach out to a lake agent today!

Zac Parnell

Alumnus of The University of Alabama at Birmingham with a degree in Digital Marketing. Currently a Social Media Specialist at Lake Homes Realty.