Whiteboard Topics: Should I Offer Buyer’s Agent Compensation When Selling A Lake Home?

Are you selling your lake home anytime soon? If so, you may be thinking about the different costs that could go into it. One specific thing is different compensations for agents. More specifically, buyer agent compensation. Should you just offer it? Glenn Phillips, CEO of Lake Homes Realty, offers insight into this topic.

  1. It Depends: Buyer agent compensation isn’t something that is required. At the end of the day, it comes down to whether you feel like you should offer it. However, you have to think about it because there are situations where you might want to, and in some cases, you might not.
  2. What Is Your Goal In Selling? You want to get the most money you can, but there should be more thought put into that. Something you really should strive for is getting the maximum number of buyers who are capable of paying for the price you’re looking for.
  3. 3 Groups of Buyers: A) Can Pay Their Agent – These are typically the buyers who will be paying cash for the house. Many of these buyers are comfortable paying for services and have usually signed the Buyer’s Agent Agreement. B) Can Not (or Will Not) Pay Their Agent – This group usually doesn’t have the means to pay that compensation. They often expect the seller to compensate in some form or fashion. C) Can and Will Pay a Portion – They might pay a little bit or they might end up paying a lot. This group will typically be seen doing the most negotiating.
  4. Suggested Goal: Best Net $: The end goal should be what will ultimately net you the best return on your investment (your lake home). Something that can play into this is pricing accordingly. Expanding your pool of buyers might also be a factor.

If you’re planning on selling your property soon and need assistance, don’t hesitate. Reach out to one of our lake expert agents at LakeHomes.com. They are always willing to help and can answer any questions you still might have!

Zac Parnell

Alumnus of The University of Alabama at Birmingham with a degree in Digital Marketing. Currently a Social Media Specialist at Lake Homes Realty.