Whiteboard Topics: Selling? Don’t ‘Buy’ The Lake Homes You Already Own

Is demanding everything you want worth it if you still own your lake home in the end? Lake Homes Realty’s CEO, Glenn Phillips, shares 3 reasons why you should be more flexible as a seller.

  1. Overpriced for Current Market: One of the first indicators that you are about to ‘buy’ your own lake home, is overpricing it. While your home may feel priceless, its valuation has to match the market. Are the phrases below clouding your pricing judgment?
    1. What I’ve got in it
    2. I used to be an agent
    3. My ‘Friend’ said
    4. I read on the Internet
    5. My neighbor’s house…
    6. I need this much
  2. Failure to Counter Every Offer: No matter the offer, you should never take it personally. Always consider countering in order to take advantage of all opportunities.
  3. Looking to Conquer: Be willing to consult with a lake expert, and accept that you may not get everything you want out of the deal. The best chance you have to sell your home is when you are realistic.

Don’t let your personal attachment to your home force you to own it forever. Let the market and your lake agent, guide you when you’re ready to sell!