Whiteboard Topics: Is A Friend The Best Choice For A Lake Home Transaction?

Buying or selling a lake home can be a strenuous process. With that being said, you might think it’d be a better idea to get help from a friend who is a real estate agent. However, this might not always be the best option. Glenn Phillips, Lake Homes Realty’s CEO, shares his thoughts on the topic.

  1. It’s Business: Think about it from the sense of a doctor. The friend wouldn’t be offended if you were to go see a doctor who has more expertise in the matter. The same thing goes for real estate agents. Lake agents at Lake Homes Realty are the experts when it comes to the lake market.
  2. Have Your Friend Explain “Why are they THE Best Choice?”: Having your friend be able to explain why they would be the better option to choose over someone whose everyday market is the lake. This is a great opportunity for them to share why they think they would be the one to go with.
  3. Generalist vs. Specialist: Just because your friend might have sold a lake home a few times doesn’t automatically make them a lake specialist. They won’t know the different nuances that go into buying and selling on the lake, and that’s okay. A lake specialist will be able to keep up with what is going on in the lake market in ways someone else might not be able to.
  4. Point Out Something Unique in Your Choice: Are you able to give a reason why you would choose them? Be sure it’s something that is different than them just being your friend. You really want to have someone who has the unique things others don’t.
  5. A Real Friend Will Understand: At the end of the day, if you explain why you don’t pick them, that friend should be able to understand. These are big transactions, so going with someone who knows the ins and outs is always important.

If you are starting the process of buying or selling and need to find a lake expert, head over to LakeHomes.com. There are plenty of agents there who would love to be a part of this journey with you and guide you through it.

Zac Parnell

Alumnus of The University of Alabama at Birmingham with a degree in Digital Marketing. Currently a Social Media Specialist at Lake Homes Realty.