Whiteboard Topics: Important Website Info When Selling A Lake Home

When it comes to selling a lake home, one way to get it seen more is through marketing. There are many different ways that Lake Homes Realty can offer valuable marketing efforts. Sometimes, different phrases, such as “webpage views,” along with other terms, can be misconstrued. Check out what Glenn Phillips, CEO of Lake Homes Realty, has to say regarding this topic.

  1. Webpage View”: Back in the earlier days of the internet, this used to be called a hit. Essentially, this means someone clicking on your property and viewing it on the website. If you were to leave the website and look again later, that’s another view.
  2. Not All “Webpage Views” Are Equal (Audience Matters!): Something that is almost more important is the amount of engagement you are getting. The website is there to help drive people to your property and maximize the number of people aware of your property. Getting more views and having no interaction isn’t the end goal.
  3. High Number Can Reveal Overpricing: If you are getting a high number of page views but no traction, that typically means the property is overpriced. If the property is just sitting online, racking up views without engagement isn’t something you want to work towards.
  4. Low Number Can Reveal Overpricing: On the Lake Homes Realty website, you can view the properties without even clicking on one. Some people might see how high the property is priced and not even bother clicking on it. This results in those low page view numbers.

While web page views are important and can show some insight, they can also be deceptive. At the end of the day, you’re really looking to find that good middle ground between engagement and web page views and many agents at Lake Homes Realty would love to help you achieve these results. Reach out to one today and see what they can do!

Zac Parnell

Alumnus of The University of Alabama at Birmingham with a degree in Digital Marketing. Currently a Social Media Specialist at Lake Homes Realty.