Whiteboard Topics: Buy A Lake Home Like A Pro

You’ve decided to finally buy that lake home you’ve always wanted. The only issue is that you don’t know how to go about it. How do you navigate this market? What goes into buying a lake home? Well, now there is no need to stress over these issues. Lake Homes Realty’s CEO, Glenn Phillips, goes over how you can buy a lake home like a pro!

  1. Investor or “I Want What I Want”: What is your mindset going into the buying process? If you’re thinking like an investor, you’re more likely to think of things like ROI. Thinking as an investor or in the sense of making money will bring in different values during buying. On the other end, you might have an idea of exactly what you want. These 2 different spectrums are ways that you can approach this financial aspect of buying.
  2. Know Your “Number”: Before going into anything, you should know what you’re willing to spend. Being comfortable knowing what number you’re wanting to spend will help alleviate future issues. People who buy off emotion or do not give a lot of thought can lead to feelings of regret.
  3. Use a Lake Expert Agent: Having an agent who knows the market, the area, the lake, etc. is more valuable than you know. These agents know the nuances of the lake homes in their area. If you don’t already have a lake expert agent, check out someone from LakeHomes.com. They are some of the best out there and would love to help!
  4. Do the Due Diligence: Things such as getting surveys and home inspections—all these things you might think you can pass on, you can’t. Not doing your due diligence can lead to mistakes, issues, and a plethora of other unwanted things.
  5. Keep Options Open: You’re allowed things you won’t budge on. However, you need to keep the options open because something could come up.

Buying a lake home like a pro doesn’t need to be a stressful or difficult task. The biggest thing to remember is these 5 points. If you follow these, it will make your experience play out a lot smoother. Don’t forget to check out the list of agents at LakeHomes.com/agents who are ready to help you!

Zac Parnell

Alumnus of The University of Alabama at Birmingham with a degree in Digital Marketing. Currently a Social Media Specialist at Lake Homes Realty.