Whiteboard Topics: 4 Danger Signs When Interviewing A Lake Real Estate Agent

Selling your lake home can be a difficult and time-consuming process. One of the best things you can do is have a trusted lake real estate agent by your side. However, you shouldn’t just choose any lake agent. You need to ensure the one you choose is willing to help with the full process. Glenn Phillips, Lake Home Realty’s CEO, lays out 4 danger signs when it comes to choosing your agent.

  1. Agent is Not Interviewing the Seller: While you need to interview the agent, the same goes for them interviewing you. It could be a red flag if they come in telling you how great they are and not asking you about what it is you’re looking for. A great agent will always ask what kind of outcome you are expecting.
  2. Will Take Overpriced Listing Without a Plan: A good agent usually has an idea of what your home would typically sell for. If you want to sell it for a higher price and they have a plan if it doesn’t pan out, that’s an agent you’d want on your side. If they’re just willing to put it at that price with no backup if it doesn’t sell, you might need to question that.
  3. Not a Lake Real Estate Expert: Being a lake expert for lake markets is incredibly important. The nuances that encompass lake real estate are something a typical real estate agent probably doesn’t know. Having someone with key knowledge of the lake and area is always something to look for. Working with a lake expert ultimately gets you the maximum return on your investment.
  4. Cannot Explain How They Target Out-of-State Buyers: Simply listing a property on the MLS to target people isn’t enough. Because this isn’t an effective way, LakeHomes.com uses specific marketing and targeting to figure it out. As a result, our agents are able to tell you where people are looking as well as where these buyers are located.

Overall, paying attention to these signs is really important when it comes to choosing who you want to work with. If you’re still not sure when it comes down to it, check out the great lake experts who are ready to help you out at https://www.lakehomes.com/agents.

Zac Parnell

Alumnus of The University of Alabama at Birmingham with a degree in Digital Marketing. Currently a Social Media Specialist at Lake Homes Realty.