In the middle of winter, the last activity on most of our minds is diving headfirst into a freezing lake. However, thousands of people do it every year. If you aren’t familiar, a polar plunge is a winter event in which a crowd of people jumps into a cold body of water. Typically, polar plunges take place to benefit a charity of some kind, such as the Special Olympics. Beginning in 1904 with the first recorded polar plunge in Boston, these events have been popular for over 100 years. In 2021, there’s no sign that the enthusiasm is dying down. Check out these upcoming polar plunges in our lake areas!
Lake George Polar Plunge

Looking for a unique way to ring in the new year? Start off 2022 with the Lake George Polar Plunge. For this annual tradition, over a thousand people gather at Shepard Park Beach and dive into the freezing New York waters of Lake George. Due to the northern climate, in some years, there’s been a thin layer of ice that participants need to swim through. Be sure to bring your own towel and fresh set of warm clothes!
Chicago Polar Plunge

Chicago is known for its thriving comedy scene, deep dish pizza, and loyal sports fans. But one of its main features is the incomparable Lake Michigan. On March 6th, 2022, this city will host its annual Chicago Polar Plunge where brave plungers will dive into the cold Lake Michigan waters to support the thousands of Special Olympians who compete each year in the city. In past years, celebrities like Jimmy Fallon and Lady Gaga have taken the plunge here too!
Lake of the Ozarks Polar Plunge

Although Lake of the Ozarks is most famous for Party Cove, crowds of people in this lake area are doing more than drinking on boats. They’re also diving into cold water for charity! This lake’s 2022 polar plunge will take place on February 26th to benefit Special Olympics Missouri. To make things more fun, this event will be complete with music and fun costumes. Not yet comfortable in crowds after the pandemic? There’s also an at-home option where you can participate by jumping in a cold shower, kiddie pool, or any other body of water that’ll have you shivering!
Maryland Polar Plunge

One of the country’s most long standing polar plunge traditions takes place on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, near Lake Ogleton. For the past 25 years, thousands of attendees have dove into these waters to support the Special Olympics athletes of Maryland. But if you thought jumping into cold water once was enough, you’ll be amazed by the Super Plungers who do it 24 times in 24 hours! The Maryland Polar Plunge even has specific dates for various groups of plungers such as teachers, police officers, and corporate employees.
Lake Acworth Polar Plunge

Even though the water is a little warmer down south, there’s still a lot of bravery required to plunge into the waters of Lake Acworth, Georgia. On February 19th, 2022 these plungers will take the dive to support Special Olympics Georgia. Stay after the event for live music, food, and prizes. If you’re looking for a polar plunge event in a more remote lake area without huge crowds, this one is perfect.
All across the country, lake lovers are taking the dive this winter! If you can relate to the lyric from Frozen “The cold never bothered me anyway” chances are, you could be one of them. We hope you have a (n)ice event!