What makes the accomplishment of being named to the Inc. 5000 for four consecutive years noteworthy? Some companies have been named to the list more often, but few of those companies who have been in business only seven years can tout that more than half their years in operation put them in league with the nation’s most elite private firms.
We’re not boasting, but instead, we’re excited! We’re thrilled that our model has been proven. We are providing people seeking to buy or sell lake real estate, a tool that markets properties nationally while completing the transactions locally with Lake Homes Realty’s brokerage agents. It works so well that over 5 million people will use LakeHomes.com this year to shop, market, or buy a lake-based property.
We are a niche company in a hyper-competitive national real estate market. With new players pushing the “iBuyer” model, a completely virtual home buying transaction, and nationally franchised traditional players often creating “pocket listings” that are not marketed beyond their own agency, Lake Homes Realty deploys a hybrid sales model that markets homes nationally while using experienced professionals to sell them locally.
Few brokerages employ national marketing at the scale of Lake Homes Realty. We’re the only company doing so in specialty real estate. The company’s search advertising alone is the envy of the industry. Add to that an innovative social media program and a nationally pervasive public relations program, which provides valuable lake real estate data to news outlets nationwide at no charge. With those programs, the company has created an unrivaled foundation of support for our clients.
Other brokerages offer the opportunity to “market” your property on a local MLS platform. Lake Homes Realty coordinates data from over 130 MLS platforms and markets it to the entire World Wide Web audience. We know that most buyers are shopping from markets outside of local lake areas. We meet the buyers where they are and sell to them where the listings are located.
The Inc. 5000 list represents a unique look at the most successful companies within the American economy’s most dynamic segment of independent small businesses. Not only have the companies on the 2020 Inc. 5000 been very competitive within their markets, but the list as a whole shows staggering growth compared with prior years.
That staggering growth certainly applies to Lake Homes’ business. Sales in 2020 have been prolific as we assist buyers in finding homes and properties that give them distance from crowded metropolitan areas. Sellers who seek their next chapter find that employing our hybrid sales model gets homes sold quickly, meeting the price targets that owners are confident in after working with our professional agents to price their homes accurately.

Lake Homes Realty CEO, Glenn Phillips said, “It’s satisfying to find that our business model has been validated once again by the recognition that comes from being named to the Inc. 5000. We work hard for our customers every day, and it’s gratifying to know we are again in such elite company.”
The company just opened its thirtieth state with the addition of Washington. That makes Lake Homes Realty “coast to coast” with a presence in multiple states bordering the Atlantic Ocean and throughout states contiguous to the country’s interior to the Pacific Ocean. Phillips says of the expansion, “We have a few more states as targets and many more lakes in our sights. We seek only the most professional agents to complement our growth and join our existing award-winning team.”
Lake Homes Realty looks forward to continued growth and even more valuable services for our buyers and sellers. If you are searching for lake real estate or you would like to sell an existing property, Lake Homes Realty and LakeHomes.com are an unbeatable combination that has been once again recognized as one of the best in the nation.