Happy Halloween: Ghostly Tales from the Lake

October is finally here! Everywhere you look, doorsteps are adorned with carved pumpkins, colorful leaves are scattered across the streets, and cable TV is screening Hocus Pocus again. In other words, “spooky season” has arrived. If you’re a lake homeowner, this holiday is particularly festive for many reasons. First, your Halloween decor will blend seamlessly into your lakeside scenery’s fall colors and outdoorsy charm.

Further, lakes serve as backdrops to classic scary movies like Friday the 13th. In honor of this spooky holiday that we love, we’re sharing our favorite ghost stories, myths, and haunted facts about U.S. lakes. We hope you enjoy — and pass these stories onto your friends! 

Gardner Lake Ghost House

Photo courtesy of Only In Your State.

Some ghost stories are pure myths. However, the one about Gardner Lake, Connecticut, is rooted in a true story. In 1895, one local, lake-dwelling family wanted to move their lake house to the other side of the lake. So, they waited until the water had frozen over to put their home on slabs and slid it to the other side. The move was a two-day endeavor. Day one went fine, but when the family returned the next day to move their house along a second trek across Gardner Lake, the ice had broken, and their home had sunk. 

Although they rescued smaller possessions, larger items (like a piano) had to remain underwater. Scuba divers have confirmed the existence of this underwater house. Now, here comes the spooky part — many visitors to Lake Gardner have reported hearing piano sounds from the lake. Legend has it that the music is coming from the underwater house.

Lady of the Lake, White Rock Lake

It’s not unusual for a friendly neighbor to offer a ride home in the south if someone is lost. However, on Dallas’s White Rock Lake, this person in need of a lift could be a ghost. Some White Rock residents and visitors have reported seeing a young woman dressed in 1930s clothing wandering around the lake, soaking wet, and looking for a ride home. She’s known as the “Lady of the Lake.”

According to legend, if you offer her a ride, she’ll vanish as soon as she gets in your car, leaving the passenger seat drenched with water. So, if you want to keep your vehicle dry and ghost-free — don’t offer her a lift!

The Black Dog of Lake Erie

If you’ve ever wondered whether animals can be ghosts, it turns out they can! According to a Lake Erie legend, a black Newfoundland dog fell overboard on the Welland Canal, and the crew ignored him. After the incident, the crew reported hearing its howls throughout the night. But this dog’s appearances aren’t limited to this one ship. Allegedly, the dog appears on the Great Lakes to warn ships that are in danger.

Alternatively, the dog has also been said to curse ships as revenge against the sailors who allowed him to drown. The dog’s appearance is linked to wrecks like the Mary Jane on Lake Erie, the Isaac G. Jenkins on Lake Ontario, and the Thomas Hume on Lake Michigan.

Lady of the Lake, Lake Lanier

Photo courtesy of Ron Mayhew via Flickr.

Lake Lanier is one of the most popular travel destinations in Georgia. The lake is located just outside of Atlanta and is known for water sports like rowing, gorgeous sunsets, and a beloved water park. However, most locals will be quick to acknowledge that this lake has a haunted history. Rather than being one ghost story, Lake Lanier is associated with several bizarre incidents.

Perhaps the most famous ghost tale is the “Lady of the Lake,” Susie Roberts, who fell into the lake in a 1950’s car accident. Sightings of this woman, often described without hands and wearing a blue dress, have been reported consistently since her accident.

You’re welcome for the goose pimples! From our lake house to yours, Happy Halloween!