Protecting Everyone
The proliferation of COVID-19 will most assuredly bring significant and permanent changes to businesses across the spectrum in the United States and worldwide. The real estate industry will also certainly change to meet the needs of customers everywhere. Even with restrictions on travel and free movement within communities, real estate transactions are still taking place. Both buyers and sellers are completing negotiations and closings in what is shaping up to be a busy spring period.
Here at Lake Homes Realty, we’ve taken steps to protect agents and customers as we negotiate the new environment in which we find ourselves. Glenn S. Phillips, CEO of Lake Homes Realty, says that “Safety is the number one challenge in conducting our business presently. We are doing everything in our power to support our clients safely and protect our agents.”
Safe Showings
Many buyers of lake real estate live in areas far removed from the lake markets in which they are searching for a home. LakeHomes.com, our highly trafficked website, is the perfect platform to allow potential buyers in markets across the country to shop for lake realty virtually anywhere in the company’s 29-state footprint.

Since there is often distance involved, our agents are offering virtual walkthrough services by using programs such as Facetime, WhatsApp and Zoom. Agents are spending significant time with clients to ensure all questions are answered and needs are met through the medium of mobile-based live video.
When physical showings are necessary, we’ve established a set of common-sense rules for conducting those showings. Agents will arrive early armed with disinfecting wipes or sprays, cleaning all doorknobs and light switches, then leaving the lights on and doors open to minimize touching while touring the homes.
Agents will ask that potential buyers minimize touching or sitting on the furniture. They will also request that the agent be alerted to any areas that need to be shown, which may not be easily accessible.
Seller Service Through Technology
Lake Homes Realty is a hybrid company, existing both digitally through LakeHomes.com and as a traditional brokerage with agents located in markets nationwide. Because of our unique position, we have resources for lake real estate that other brokerages do not.
We produce the Lake Homes Realty Lake Real Estate Market Report quarterly, but since these unprecedented circumstances began, we’re now updating the report data daily. These accelerated data reports provide our agents with the most up to date comparables with which establish dependable market pricing for sellers. No other brokerage has this tool.
As always, valuation services are free to sellers listing a home or property. Best of all, these services can take place virtually through a web conference or telephone meeting to minimize or eliminate face to face appointments.
Listing Power
With over 4 million highly qualified buyers visiting LakeHomes.com annually, expressly to shop for lake properties, there is no more powerful or safe partner for selling your lake real estate. We’ll develop those leads and virtually introduce your property to our qualified buyers. This incredible level of service supports sellers even in this challenging business climate.
Stay Informed

The COVID-19 virus is continuously pushing us all to be knowledgeable about the pandemic. Staying informed and being able to move nimbly under these market conditions is the key to success. Lake Homes Realty is the partner who wants to protect you and your interests in this difficult time.