Decorating your lake house can be easy, especially if you are a do-it-yourself type of person. These ideas are extremely easy to replicate.
Most hardware stores will have the supplies you need for a really low cost, or you may even have some of the supplies on-hand, already stored in a garage or basement. Either way, you will love these lake themed decorating ideas!
Indoor Wall Coat Hanger
This is a beautiful themed piece that serves a purpose.
You will need boat cleats and a long board or retired wakeboard. Stain the board any color you would like and then screw in the cleats going vertically.
Fasten the completed piece to the wall securely, and you will have a beautifully themed coat rack that can hold coats, bags, and even hunting vests.
Paddle Wall Center Piece 
If you come across old wooden paddles at a yard sale or flea market, buy them!
These weathered accessories can make for unique wall art.
Whether these paddles match or not is not an issue. Place them horizontally on the wall facing different ways for a visually dynamic piece.
Inspirational or Funny Sayings
Find small boards and fasten them together to make a square.
Add a hook to the back so that you can hang it on a wall.
Paint it an earthy tone like a dusty sage, brown, or even leave it like it is. You can pick from some of the sayings listed here to paint onto the board.
- We’re on lake time.
- Memories made in flip-flops last a lifetime.
- Life is better at the lake.
- I’d rather be lost at the lake than found at home.
- If you’re lucky enough to have a place at the lake… You’re lucky enough.
- The lake, it’s where I belong.
- You rock my boat.
If your saying is small enough, then you can use a boat cleat as a hook. Fasten a rope to the board to hang it and it adds even more ambiance to your theme.
Be creative when you are looking to decorate your home. Lake themed decorating is simple, but so relaxing.