Tips For Hiking The Great Outdoors

Hiking can be a fun recreational activity for people who really love the outdoors. The beautiful scenery, the sun shining off of the water, and even a chance at spotting local wildlife. But there are always tiny little issues that you may encounter that take away from the fun that you are having.

There are some things that you can do to prevent some of these minor setbacks from happening. Read on to find out more about how you can prevent incidents or be prepared for them during your hike by the lake.

lake hikingClothing
Bringing the proper clothing with you during your hike by the lake can make all the difference in your comfort and your fun.

Wearing socks to ensure that you don’t get nasty blisters or wearing and bringing extra comfortable shoes are just a couple of the things that you can do to eliminate those little annoyances.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings
There are all kinds of creatures and items that you will come across during your hike. Make sure you are watching out for poison ivy as well as spiders and snakes.

Bring some bug repellant and spray with you to keep those pesky bugs away from you. Be aware of other people who may be riding their bikes or riding horses.

Sun Protection
sun protectionIt is important to remember to wear hats and sunscreen to keep the sun off of your face. Even if it seems cloudy and that you may not need it, always wear sunscreen, the UV rays that cause sunburn can still reach you through the clouds.

Additional tips that will help you to better enjoy your hike and exploration on the lake:

• Stay hydrated, bring lots of extra water with you.
• Pack a light snack to bring with you.
• Hike with a friend. Not only is it safer, but it is more fun than hiking alone!
• Leave an itinerary with family or friends so people will know where to look for you in an emergency.
• Pack some safety items such as whistle, flashlight, and a small first aid kit.
• You may want to bring a camera with you just for fun. Hey, not everything is about safety!

Following some general safety rules could really benefit you in the long run if you taking a hike along a lake. Don’t forget to have a good time. These safety tips are just to keep you prepared in case of trouble, it does not necessarily mean you will get into trouble. Just have fun!

Glenn S. Phillips

Glenn S. Phillips is the CEO of Lake Homes Realty. He is also an author and speaker. When not thinking about real estate and technology, he periodically plays his ugly tuba (complete with a bullet hole), enjoys exploring cognitive thinking, and prefers dark chocolate.